Get Out, Have Fun, Meet Someone!



This section contains general guidelines and policies that you should know about the club, as well as things the club and other members should be able to expect from you. Our goal is to communicate a consistent set of expectations to everyone and eliminate misunderstandings and inconsistent interpretations. We want to provide an environment where everyone can have fun with a minimum of inconvenience or distraction.

Personal Information

Events and Adventures will not give your name, number, email, or address out to other clubs or organizations.

We do email and text message members and prospective members with information that is relevant to their membership, their events, or their membership application.  You can stop this communication at any time (you will see in the text message or email how to do that).
Msgs and Data Rates may apply. Carriers are not liable for any delayed or undelivered messages 

If you want to contact another member, the best way is to get his or her phone number when you meet them at an event.

It is important that the club has an accurate address, home phone number, and an alternate phone number for you along with your email address. The email address is what gets your e-newsletter in your inbox Club staff often need to call members concerning details of upcoming events. If you move, be sure to call the office and update your records.

Event Sign – Ups
  1. Be sure to keep a record of what you’ve signed up for!
  2. All events are filled on a “first paid, first reserved basis.”
  3. Sign up early, if you can. This gives us time to increase our capacity if the demand is greater than expected.
  4. The event cancellation policy is on the website and may vary by the event because of vendor deadlines, passport requirements etc.

Events and Adventures is a private club, and of course, leaving the events totally open to non-members defeats the purpose of the organization. We do recognize, however, that friends and relatives do drop in from time to time, and might like to see what we are all about. You are welcome to bring guests to events you attend with the following stipulations:

To be fair to paying members, non-member guests may attend a maximum of two events. If they want to become regulars, they should join the club. We have a strong member referral program, call the office for details. Your friends will normally get a discount just for being your friend!  Ex-members cannot come as guests unless the club specifically opens an event to Ex-members (after all - ex-members already know about the club and have no reason to come as guests, they should renew!).

Call the office ahead of time to let them know you want to bring a guest. On events with a limited number of spaces, regular members will get priority. For safety reasons, the club must have each guest’s name and a contact phone number in case of emergency. They must also sign a waiver when they sign in for the event, as well as the sign in waiver at the event itself. If the event is not free, your guest, of course, needs to pay the cost, sometimes we charge more for guests.

You, as the host, are responsible for the behavior of your guest(s). It is best to only bring one guest at a time.

If your guest is interested in joining, please refer them to the club for an interview.


Although many members have pets, allergies, health laws, facility restrictions, differing feelings toward animals, and potential liabilities prevent us from allowing pets at most events. If pets are welcome at a specific event, it will be stated in the event description.

If pets are allowed, and you bring yours, you are responsible for keeping it under control. Please be respectful of other people’s feelings and possible discomfort with animals.
If you have a "Service Animal" as deemed a "Service Animal" by State, Federal (or in the case of Canada Providential) law. Events & Adventures will of course allow this animal at events to the full range that the law allows. 

Many Events and Adventures members have children and we fully understand that those children are a significant part of those members’ lives. Many other Events and Adventures members do not have children, and as a general rule, children are not allowed at most events. If there is an exception, the event will be designated as “kids” event, where children are welcome. Note that this does not mean you can drop your kids off at the event. You must be present and are responsible for your children in every way. Babysitters are not provided. Guests who are over 18 but under 21 are allowed, but you must check with the office first to make sure that state alcohol laws won’t keep them from being a part of the event because of the location we are meeting etc. If alcohol is available at that event that they are allowed to attend (such as a camp out), we expect them to comply with the law and not indulge. Doing otherwise would jeopardize the club legally. As with all events you accept personal responsibility for your guest, their actions, and anything that might happen to them, when you sign them up for the event.


We are all adults. Each of us is expected to act responsibly and be considerate of other members. Although the club does not provide alcoholic beverages, there are many events where you are welcome to bring or buy them. All we ask is that you know your own limit for the situation. Make sure you have your own transportation arranged in case you can’t drive yourself home. If you cross the line, expect to be dealt with accordingly. Depending on the severity of the incident, you may find your membership suspended or even revoked.


There are smokers in the club, but they are a minority. Many are so considerate about it that it was some time before they were “discovered.” If we are in a smoke-filled dance club, please abide the rules of the establishment. At other locations, however, ESPECIALLY in other members’ homes, we ask that you step outside and away from the crowd before lighting up. We rarely receive a complaint because of smoking and would like to keep it that way.


Unless an event is geared specifically to a shooting sport, leave your guns at home. There are no exceptions to this rule.


Don’t bring illegal drugs to events, period. Anyone who is found to have drugs in their possession at any time or under the influence of drugs will be expelled from the club immediately and without a refund of any kind. There will be absolutely no exceptions.
