What can you expect at a “typical” event? There really aren’t “typical” events; each event has its own unique flavor. There are sections in this handbook that cover some specific repeat events. In general, though, most events are run in a fairly informal manner. If we’re exploring a town or tourist attraction, skiing, or doing the City Center, you can expect to meet at the scheduled time and place in your calendar. At these events, it’s not uncommon for the larger group to split up into smaller groups. If you are new, don’t feel intimidated. Say hi and jump right in!
Event Cancellation
Cancellations for events must be received at least 7 days prior to the date of the event to get a refund. Some events are subject to specific cancellation dates which are noted on the event sign-up page which are either more or less than 7 days. The difference is normally because we have to pay a vendor sooner for your ticket. Please make sure to look at that date before you sign up. If you sign up by mistake after the cancel deadline call/email us right away and we will reverse it even inside the cancellation window. Cancellations received after the last stated cancellation possible date will only be refunded if E&A can cancel its commitment for your spot without cost or if the event is full and we successfully move your ticket to another member. Cancellations within 24 hours are not refunded.
Many out-of-town events begin a Park & Ride, or other central location. If you ride with someone, please be considerate and realize that you are accepting the responsibility of helping to pay for fuel, especially with current gas prices. Carpools can be a great way to get to know other people in the club!
If you see “Potluck”, it means to bring something! There are suggestions for drinks, main dishes, desserts, etc. under FAQ’s on the member website. The system rotates every month and is based on the first letter of your last name. Of course, if you have a specialty signature dish that you want to bring instead of the assigned item, please do so! The bottom line, though, is to please bring something to share – that’s what makes these events successful. If you can’t cook (you are not alone!) then drop by the store and pick up something pre-made. Don’t be surprised if you run into another member doing the same thing.
Finding the Group
If you’re new, here are a few tips. If we’re meeting at a Park & Ride, there will generally be a crowd standing around (unless the weather’s miserable). You can always ask, “Are you with Events and Adventures?” For events where there may be confusion about where the group is meeting, the staff sometimes hold up a larger sign that has the letters E and A on it that is visible from the street. We try to make it difficult to miss us.
Weekend Events
If you are new to the club, it won’t be long before someone tells you that the weekend events are the social highlights of the calendar. Weekend events are a great opportunity to meet people and solidify the friendships that make this club special to all of us. What makes them so special? Time. What set the weekend events apart is the opportunity to relax, socialize, and get to know people. Even carpooling helps by allowing you to meet a small group and get to know a lot about them before you even get to the event itself.
Camp Outs
Club campouts are part of the summer and early fall schedule on the calendar. They are a convenient way to stay at a site close to a major event such as a late-night concert or if going on a whitewater rafting trip. Sometimes they are events in their own right for no purpose other than to put in some relaxation and brush up on power lounging for a few days.
In either case, we usually rent a large open area or a block of sites in a campground, and our tent city grows as people arrive. Typically there will be a central area where meals are prepared that becomes the social hub. When selecting a site for your tent, keep that in mind. This is where the night owls congregate and in extreme cases, sing-alongs have been known to occur. If you expect to turn in early rather than stay up late with the crowd, ask where the “quiet area” is when you arrive. If you don’t, you might just wake up in Margaritaville. If you are a heavy snorer, you might also help out your fellow campers by a judicious choice of tent placement.
Things to bring on a campout:
This is normally not backcountry camping. If you think you might want to have it along and it fits in your (or your ride’s) car, bring it.
- A Tent (or tent mate with a tent)
- Sleeping bag and sleeping pad or air mattress
- Towel, soap, common toiletries
Showers are available at most campsites we frequent, though some work better than others. Consider showering during off-peak periods or expect to wait and get cold water. If there is no shower available that information should be in the event description.
- Quarters
Many campsites require quarters to be fed into the showers for hot water.
- Contingency Clothing
If we are anywhere near civilization, don’t rule out a night on the town. You might want to bring something fancier than a tank top and cut-offs.
- A Camping Chair
This may seem obvious, but there are usually a lot of people and fewer chairs around the campfire. If you don’t bring a chair, people who did don’t generally appreciate having their chair snatched when they stand up. If you do sit in someone’s chair, you could be asked to vacate when they return. It is always a good idea to put your name on your chair for quick ID when packing for home.
- Toys
The club staff will usually bring the volleyball net. Bring your favorites. Battery-operated portable stereos, CDs, or tapes are fine. Put your name on any CDs or tapes you bring so it’s easier to sort out whose stuff is whose. Do you have a guitar Bring it along, and you will have an enthusiastic (and captive) audience.
- Camera
We always need more amazing photos for the website... So feel free to submit them! Please refer to the member website for size limits, etc. You can send them on CD or email them to us.
- Sunblock, swimsuit, water toys, etc.
Condo Camping
As with camping, there is usually one building or room designated as the meal preparation area, and there is a lot of social congregation there. Unlike camping, where the person you share a tent with is pretty much up to you, we are dealing with rooms and beds as well as other considerations. READ THE MEMBER WEBSITE and be sure you know what you are signing up and paying for. The staff usually makes room assignments. To keep costs down, you could have the option of sharing a double bed with someone of the same sex. Sleeping accommodations can vary from hotel-type beds to hide-beds. If you find any of this objectionable, feel free to pay for a single room or bring a sleeping bag. Couples who want accommodations together should CALL THE OFFICE at least a week before the event. Likewise, if things change at the last minute, please TELL US. Shuffling sleeping arrangements on-site can be difficult. AGAIN, READ THE DIRECTIONS ON THE WEBSITE AND IN ANY EMAILS YOU ARE SENT ON THE EVENT! You sign up for events where the accommodations fit your personal likes or needs.
Things to bring Condo Camping:
Although amenities are usually less Spartan than on campgrounds, bring the same towel, toiletries, etc. just in case, and remember we don’t stay at the hotel, so bring whatever you think you need to be a part of activities in the area. As the event staff if you are unsure.
Visiting the local nightlife is a near certainty if we’re in a city. Even if you just came to ski, bring more than polypro and Gore-Tex. Bring a swimsuit too, even if the weather is cold. Events and Adventures members frequently search out pools and hot tubs when they are available.
Hikes are the subject of more than a few legendary experiences in the club. We’ve done everything from beach walks to city hikes to climbing local high points. There is no better way to escape the city and take in the area's incredible scenery while meeting and talking to other people. The hikes cover a wide variety of hiking styles, distances and elevations. If there is going to be a major elevation gain, the website will say so, and the hikes are well described on the website, so make sure you read the whole description! Obviously, if the hike says something like “strenuous hike, elevation gain 3,000 ft” you should not attend unless you believe you can complete the hike. We tend to take it easy, though, so don’t worry too much about keeping up. Most of the hikes are more social in nature, to something cool like a waterfall or unforgettable scenic viewpoint.
Things to bring on a hike:
Bring shoes and water (now there’s an interesting picture!). If you enjoy hiking, look for a decent pair of hiking boots that will support and protect your ankles from the occasional misstep. Athletic shoes with good ankle support will do in a pinch, but will not keep your feet dry if the trail has wet spots. Check the weather reports (and realize even they are just guessing). Bring an appropriate pack and food, water, and an extra layer or two of clothing (preferably waterproof) in case the weather changes unexpectedly. Here are the 10 essentials all hikers should carry with them:
While we don’t turn members away from hikes for not carrying these items, it is strongly recommended that you do. Don’t forget adequate clothing, good hiking boots, water, and food.
Top 10 Hiking Essentials
- Map
- Compass
- Flashlight
- Extra Food
- Extra Clothing
- Sunglasses
- First-aid kit
- Pocketknife
- Waterproof matches
- Candle or fire starter
Member’s Meetings
Once a month, the club holds a member’s meeting, which all members are encouraged to attend. You can expect a lot of members to turn out for these important events. Dress is casual and so is the atmosphere. On occasion, a meeting will carry a theme, including a dance, or be held in a special venue if a “super” place becomes available.
We usually start off with a potluck dinner or cookout and general socializing. The business part takes about half an hour – we try to keep the meeting part short! Each member at the meeting is asked to complete a ballot listing possible events for the next few calendars. The club is always looking for other input whether you write it on your ballot, corner a staff member, or shout it out while they are trying to talk. The voting is key for us, we’ve found that if we do the events the members vote on, they are generally successful.
These are important events. They are designed to help each of you shape the direction of the club. It’s also a super way to get the kinds of events you like onto the monthly calendar, find out what’s happening, and get the discussion going about future events and travel. This event makes your participation easy. Please come!